Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Four Ironmans in 3 years, two of them within the last 8 months.

None of those four accomplishments would have been possible without the understanding, support and encouragement from one person. Thank you so much for putting up with me during this entire year of almost daily training, for being patient with my mood swings and my peculiar eating habits, for tolerating the mess of sporting equipment scattered all over the entire house, for helping out with most of the household chores so I have more time to train, for preparing those amazing recovery meal feasts, for waking up as early as 4am on lots of weekends to accompany me at training sessions and races, for standing for hours (in the hot sun at times) patiently waiting to catch a glimpse of me as I pass by briefly in the middle of a race, for always giving me words of encouragement whether I do well or not and last but not least for always trusting my abilities even when I sometimes doubted myself.

The greatest joy during Ironman Malaysia 2016 wasn't the moment when I crossed the finish line. It was when I saw you ten meters before reaching the finish line and managed to give you a quick hug to say thank you (right before you shooed me away and told me not waste time and go finish the race.

Thank you Najib Ariyan, this one is dedicated to you. I wouldn't have been able to do it without you.